Sunday, May 8, 2011

05/05/11 - 05/09/11

Binghamton trip, never a dissapointment. Got in Wednesday night after a long day of traveling/stalling in the city, at like midnight. Chilled and waited for our ride, went back to Koke's place, Jake came and we played some basketball and chilled. Got into a heated debate regarding the character development in "He's Just Not That Into You," Katon got the whole thing on video and I hope to see it turn up somewhere soon so I can post it. Because I am right, and Scarlett Johansson is a whore.

Thursday woke up, stalled around campus for a while, got some supplies to start making the skittles vodka, did a little bit of drinking and then Ari finally picked me up to go to campus. I really don't remember what I did that day, because the amazingness of Titus Andronicus really just overwhelmed my senses. I do seem to recall drinking a little bit and hanging out at my old room, and at the bike-a-thon. Jason Kushner and his friend from Albany came down with a bottle of whiskey and we chilled and headed to the concert. Set list was perfect... They played every song off The Monitor besides Theme From Cheers and A Pot In Which to Piss. Lots from the first album too, and even a Ramones cover. The crowd was going nuts which was good because I seemed like less of a psycho. Honestly one of the best shows I've ever been to, high energy, great crowd, great set, great stage presence. They are amazing. Headed back to the apartment, watched some Curb, ate some Taco Bell.

Friday, woke up and was lazy. Forever. Eventually my and Kyle walked to campus. I ended up hanging out with Sam for a couple hours which was nice, always good company. Went back to the old room, drank some beers, Greg and Eric came over, played some stupid drinking games, then hopped on a bus home.

Saturday woke up, Dragon came over and picked me up asap. Broke out the skittles liquor which was FANTASTIC. Drank all day and had a couple too many but I was back to being good again right before Taking Back Sunday. Chilled with everyone all day, chilled at Jake's for a while, chilled at Berger's for a while. Taking Back Sunday really sucked ass hahaha I lost, my shoes, socks, and glasses. Anyway, went back to Jake's partied for a while, had a blast, went to Escape, chilled on roofs, played games, passed out. Fantastic night.

Woke up at 9:30 UGH. Walked to Salwen's, hung out there for a while, then took off with Jess. Drove to Taughannock which was beautiful as always, then went to the Ithaca commons, and got a good burrito. Then took the voyage to the six mile creek to go gorge jumping... always the best. Got some good footy, it's really hard to capture how large this cliff is haha.

me and silly gorge jump from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

silly's jump from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

Rode home, chilled out for the rest of the night with Kyle at my old apartment, watched The Machinist, Koke came home and we chilled for a little bit too. Got dropped off at the bus at like 3AM, scariest bus ride ever, most tired day of my life, but eventually made it home.

That night I went to play frisbee and met up with Mike and Tyler and Kenny, so gooood seeing everyone, haven't seen Mike or Ty in months. Me and Kenny went back to Ty's and I slept over and it was nice chillin, he's got a sick new room. Woke up, Jess came over, chilled a bit, came to my house, got Subway, then I went home. Kyle came over after a while, did a jigsaw puzzle, Tyler, Jess, Omar, Kim, and Mike came over and we chilled and told stories and all cuddled up while watching an episode of "Secret Life," which is the worst thing in the entire world.


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