Monday, April 25, 2011


Saturday night I worked and then went to Koke's cousin James's for some drinks and playstation. His brother got engaged so we took a couple shots in his honor and tried to beat frogger which is an absurdly hard game. Farkas stopped by for a little and it was a nice night.

Yesterday was probably my favorite day of 2011. Drove over to Greg's, took a bike ride down to the industrial park, such nice weather, first bike ride since my syracuse trek. Biked back to his house and went outside and sat on his old swingset. His little brother and sister came outside and we played volleyball and then I taught them SPUD which is this really old street game I used to play when I was like 7... so nostalgic and amazing haha I also really think our group could enjoy playing it a lot. Then his mom cooked us a delicious dinner and I sat in on my first Salwen family dinner in a long time. After that we drove down to Dennison to play some rainy frisbee. Great two games. Met a few really nice kids through Nicky's core group of players and I'm really amped on smithtown getting back into the action when everyone comes home! Anyway, went back to Salwen's and watched some of this movie that seemed awful, then Konrad came over and we chatted and talked about music and scoped out some equipment, I am ALMOST positive I'm picking this bad boy up within the next couple weeks :

Seems really swell. Then Berger came over and Kenny came over eventually and we endless youtube looped and chilled and chatted. Konrad and Eric dipped out and me and Kenny and Greg sat and talked and played guitar and whatnot, then went for a walk to the sandmine. The fog was so thick it was like we were standing on the edge of the planet and the faint lights looked like far off stars. We soon discovered that there was an INCREDIBLE cyclical echo that bounced from every point around us in a circle. It was creepy and we couldn't stop screaming into it because it sounded just as amazing and unbelievable every time. Walked back and improved a song about people bullshitting and it ended up being really jazzy and hilarious.

10 days til Binghamton trip. Then Weber comes home like 9 days after that. Then the cascade of amazing summer of 2011 begins. So amped.

1 comment:

  1. wow. smiling so hard reading this. SUMMMMERRRRRRR 011!!!!!1
