Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Thursday I worked and then went to play some frisbee. Salwen came through, and then we bounced and went to Ashley's, stopping at Weber's house first to visit his sister's little party. Ashley's was a blast, at one point I went to Tyler's with him to make grilled cheese haha. Came back and this was the conversation I returned to:

After all this me and Kenny went to sleep at Greg's. We took these things called miracle berries, and they make you're taste buds change shape and interpret tastes differently, but it really mostly just made sour food taste sweet and hot sauce not burn, it was pretty cool but a bit underwhelming haha. After that we went upstairs and watched OFWGKTA videos and talked up and chilled, I slept over.

Friday I woke up at Salwen's and we chilled for a bit, then he drove me home. Worked until 10, then went home, got dressed, and Omar picked me up to go to Kenny's. Relaxed at Kenny's, then we bounced and a bunch more people met up at Salwen's. Hung out in the Bay Ice and just sat around pretty much and listened to music and chilled. Argued with Koke and Titus Andronicus being amazing, fuck you Koke they rule. Then he drove me home and we got some Wendy's, went inside and played some zombies.

Saturday night I worked until 9, then came home, got dressed, and Weber picked me up. Went to Greg Falk's. Had a blast. Me and Kyle went 7-0 on the table, TYPICAL. Played some flipcup, ordered 9 pizzas, had dance parties and good talks. Haven't gotten drunk in a while and it was nice because I was at like a perfect level that night. Then Koke drove me and Kyle home, they both slept over. In the morning I woke up and helped finish up the fence with my dad, which is now done and the side area/party spot is ready to be grassed and chilled upon. Huzzah. Kyle and Koke got me Burger King <3

Last night Kyle came over and we chilled, then convinced him to come to frisbee! Weber came over, we went to play a big nice Smithtown game of fris, Lavelle showed, and a lot of the classics showed up too. Felt nice playing with the old smithtown crew and I really hope this summer is full of fris, and we keep the legacy going for many years. Then played a Hauppauge game, then Koke, Mike, Trash, Kyle, Jchrist and Petracca came over and we chilled for a while and talked women and played video games.

Today I woke up and watched American History X. That movie is amazing and I wish I could drive a point as well as that movie does, I feel like it's definitely something everyone in the world should see. After that Kyle came over, and we played zombies for a while, then went to the practice room where everyone was hanging out. Played some sweet Mario Party and me/Jess/Greg KICKED ASS!

Then we all talked about devil's three-ways and whatnot, and played Mafia... which was excessively loud and insane, moreso than usual, loved it.

Also, today I ordered my timebender pedal and I'm so pumped to start writing with it. I also now can EASILY save up for my tattoo before my July trips, and have mad money to bring with me on said trips. HUZZAH.

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