Tuesday, September 27, 2011



New Mark Mcguire is fucking amazing. Get it.

Today I went to one class and ditched the other and wrote a really long thing about Binghamton, in relation to how shitty it is. I'm not gonna post it because it's really depressing haha but it's worth noting that after I wrote it, I looked up outside and the clouds opened up and there was blue right above me. It felt really amazing. The sun's at least always fighting to shine, even behind the thickest clouds. It made me smile.

Boston this weekend. Video's will ensue for sure.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Had jack shit to do today, first weekday in a while I felt totally free. So I did a lot of jamming, and wrote this:

It's very improvised so there's a lot of notes that are just completely out of key haha but it comes together pretty well I think... definitely something I want to give some format. I'll call it "I'll Never Find My Skateboard." Also there's like a minute of me just fucking around completely at the end hahaha so you can stop listening at like 8:50.

I have 2 or 3 more from today so if anyone actually reads this blog (hey Tyler,) and you dig the tunes, I'll send you them, they're a bit too long for uploading on vimeo. They're all sloppy as fuck.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


YOOOOOOOO so I sort of died out on the whole video taking thing. I'd like to say that I'm gonna get back into it, but I don't want it to become an obligation. If I do get sick viddies I'll still post em.

Uhhhh so needless to say, I haven't been using this at all. But I've been keeping busy and I think what I'm gonna start doing here is just taking videos of some of my jams and posting them here so I can sort of have them forever. What's been happening recently, which sucks, is that I've been jamming and getting really into it and not taking time to write anything down for the process, so essentially I lose it unless I can remember everything at the end and scramble to write it all down. BUT, if I just take a sweet little viddy, I can have it forever. Problem solved.

I don't have any videos yet... but me and Greg and Kenny have been jamming as a little mini band and we played our first show tonight so there will be videos of that. I might not post them though, because I fucked up pretty hard. As it turns out, I'm pretty susceptible to stage fright. Who knew?

I have some decent mixes I've been working on too. I'm gonna post it as soon as it finishes uploading. It's a good mix of oldies and some newish songs. I start making it when I first heard "Helplessness Blues" and, thus, it is titled appropriately "Helplessness Blues." A lot of these songs just have some pretty overwhelming feeling in them, or it least it makes me feel really a big rush of emotion. I dig it. I'll post it once I figure out how to get the fucking songs in the right order.


Yeah, I couldn't figure out how to order it. Fuck it. All the songs are good so just listen to them.

Also it's worth saying that this year is going just swell thusfar. My house is perfect. I've had a real good social balance too and I've been getting all my work done. So that's good.

Maybe I'll post some of my writing here too, but that shit's all depressing as fuck, so who knows.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Summer/Midwest Trip/Everything in Between - June and July 2011

So I'm flipping through my camera and I guess the only way I can remember specifics is to watch these videos and explain them. I must say though, it does a pretty accurate job of describing my summer, and anything new I've done is captured I think, sans a few awesome days.

The first video here is an AMAZING Chaudry house performance, got to see For Serious This Time and unfortunately my camera died and didn't get to catch my fav songs or the other bands, but as always it was an amazing night. I really hope to play one next summer, great motivation to keep me going.

There have been some fun drunk nights, one night Jake came down to LI for a night and we had an amazing day actually, we went out to Long Beach and jumped off the rock and I showed him David Weld's with Kyle and we found the old little fort people built out of driftwood and rocks, it was so much more legitimate now and painted beautifully. So like, romantic and unnatural to Smithtown. That night we met up with Dom and Andrew and we got Famous Dave's and it was cool getting a bunch of the old roomies together. Played some SOLID slap-a-hoe and drank at my house with my sister and all her friends... Dom and Jake and Kyle crashed and it was a fun night. Gotta hit up Staten Island for sure soon.

So many good nights with Tyler too, the one night that's standing out to me right now the most is the night we chilled in his backyard and played cards by candlelight then went out for a walk all around and it was very nostalgic and funny. Oakside never gets old.

Then one weekend me, Dom, and Eric drove up to Binghamton to chill for a weekend. Met up with James, Kelly, Erin, Katie, Katelyn, and Ari, and Adam, Evan and Pete were there too for the summer. Both nights I got way too drunk and it was way too much fun... Ari's house was cool and I LOVE my house, it's got such a nice flow and there's not much to say about this weekend other than how incredibly pumped it got me for next year. I also realized yet again how lucky I am to have been roomed with the people I did freshman year, and to have met the girls, and everything just seemed so loving and serendipitous that weekend. God the videos are embarassing though.... This bonfire was sick though even though Dom and Eric had to start DUKING IT OUT AT THE END FUCKING GUIDOS.

I'll be sure to write about more of these nights as I remember them, but as of now I wanna get to these Midwest videos.

So the 4th of July we went to Weber's house for a party and it was pretty chill, I didn't drink because of the weekend hahaha, but I had a lot of fun, played the name-on-forehead game, bonfire status, good talks. Stayed up til like 4AM to catch our train, which was miserable, then caught our 630 bus or something, and slept so hard. Such a good bus ride, megabus is THE BEST. Also, let it be noted that throughout this entire trip, collectively, we have listened to Bon Iver (Self Titled,) like 15 times. Slept to it like the whole time. Arrived in Pittsburgh, explored, got great sandwiches, found out everything was fucking closed on Tuesday (WTF,) chilled on the Ohio river for a while. Braided a fishing rod out of random long grass, and tried to catch fish, but alas, we did not succeed. Traveled across a bridge, saw a real fisherman, saw an AMAZING sand sculpture, then Chris came to meet up. Hit up a Pirates game haha, which was actually a lot of fun! Then we got stuck in a parking garage for like 2 hours and got back to Chris's house, chilled and watched a random movie with Donald Glover. Kid's the man.

Woke up, hit up this sandwich place, forgot the name, but it was absurd. French fries and coleslaw and so much fuckin meat on it. Then got on the bus and dipped to Cincinatti. Arrived and followed this local to a little corner shop to get some beer, then waited around by this live music at this place called Fountain Square, it was pretty chillin.

Then our host Ryan picked us up, my first American couchsurfing experience, and he was the man. Showed us all about his cars (he was a BMW mechanic,) had some beers, talked about his racing career and music. He used to jam with Josiah Wolfe apparently. Got a good nights sleep, woke up VERY early and caught a bus into the downtown area.

Trekked decently far to get to this art museum, only to find that we got there 2 hours before it opened. Sweet. Ended up sleeping on a park bench for a little while haha. Finally entered the museum, saw some sweet art, some sweet circus posters, it was cool, and most importantly, free. Then we trekked back and went to the countries oldest farmers market (so we're told,) and it was decently cool. Expensive. Had my first "coney," which is apparently the quintessential Cincinatti food, which is pretty much a chili cheese dog. It was gross. We took a long walk through a decently sketchy area... sketchy enough to see drug deals and 5 dollar games of c-lo being played. Pretty cool I guess. AMERICA! Hopped on another bus, Chicago bound.

Arrived pretty late in Chicago, asked around, hopped on a random ass train, got to a random ass place, started heading north. We were trying our hardest to get to this theater that the Flaming Lips were performing The Soft Bulletin at, we eventually found it, and started looking for scalpers, and we found some to buy, but then somehow Greg found this kid who wanted to just give us 2 tickets if we gave him some liquor... also, it should be noted, we had no where to sleep that night, and were planning on sleeping on grass somewhere not sketchy, and like had scoped out some spots. Anyway this kid seemed decently sketchy but like, whatever, free tickets, sick. We get in and everything and we're chilling with him and his girlfriend (I assumed), James and Maddy were their names. The show was AMAZING, such a crazy fun show, lights and props and everything. They even played Do You Realize?!? and it was breathtaking.

Anyway apparently the kid said we could stay with him that night, he got progressively cooler, started out seeming like just some thug looking for free booze, then he seemed like really druggy hippy and whatnot, but he was nice enough, so we took him up on his offer. Walked to his car and he ended up telling us these CRAZY stories about him like, chilling with Steve Tyler, and doing acid and the Electric Forest, and getting arrested in Las Vegas, and soooooo much stuff, all the while we sat at some park and his car was on for no reason. So then he tells us he's on acid now, and that he met this girl 3 days ago, and they just travelled together after Electric Forest and a lot of drugs, and we still figured we'd stay with him, so we met him at his place, which we later found out wasn't his, so we broke into his friends place, who we never met, and then he was like "yeah he's probably not coming home tonight. also I didn't tell him you guys were here. We're going out for a bit, be back whenever." and he left til like SEVEN IN THE MORNING and we were so confused and I was scared hahahaha. Also he told us stories about him like dosing his friends with acid, like a lot, so I didn't like eat or drink anything he offered haha. Sooo that was a better night of sleep than sleeping on the streets I guess. The next day we explored more of Chicago, saw the bean, got deep dish, swam in Lake Michigan, played some frisbee, got some custard. Great day. Bussed it overnight to Saint Louis.

Arrived in Saint Louis at like 6 AM, and explored the city looking for ANYTHING OPEN, but nothing was hahaha apparently no one lives in like the downtown area. Saw the arch, it was pretty magnificent. Then this girl Maggie picked us up, we were crashing at her place. She had a very nice southern style house, and a nice family. Showered, relaxed, then hit up the zoo which was SICK saw some awesome animals and PET SOME FUCKING PENGUINS (illicitly.)

Then we went to the science center and it was kinda lame, but we talked about a lot of interesting stuff regarding family life, and racism, and being brought up into that environment, and religious schools and whatnot. Very interesting and foreign stuff to me. AMERICA. Watched this omnimax "Sea Rex," but really didn't watch cause it sucked and I just slept hahaha. Went back to her house for naps, and reading and chess playing. After that we had a home-cooked meal which was great, and then we met up with her friends at The City Museum. The place is indescribable.

I've never felt happier, and I genuinely felt like a child again. It was the best place I've ever been. At the end though when I was like, crawling through nothing but wire about 6 stories above ground, it got really fucking scary hahahaha. Also the giant dome that you can climb up bars all the way up to the roof was the scariest thing I've ever done. Everyone who reads this should somehow make it a point to see this place before they die.

Then we went back to her place and slept. Back to Chicago the next morning by like 9. Walked down to China town and met up with our host, Kate. She was really cool and lived in a super nice neighborhood. We pretty much just went to sleep, and the next morning we got chinese food and super good tea. Walked around more, walked to Northerly Island which was kind of underwhelming... although we successfully skinny dipped Lake Michigan, in broad daylight, potentially in front of a lot of people. Twas awesomely badass. Then sat around Millenium Park for a while, saw some nutso fountain with moving faces on it...

pretty odd. We each bought a bottle of wine and saw some free live music from Bombino (sp?) and Delicate Steve. Both pretty chill. Got more win and cider and explored some more then ended up back at Kates for more drinks and some pasta and snacks and accordion playing and chilling. Sick night.

Woke up, walked to the bus stop, now I'm here in Cincinatti at some married couple's house. They are Eugene and I wanna say Shellia but that's probably wrong. Anyway they are very very chill and told us many tales about Switzerland living, and roadtripping america for 6 weeks, and crossing russia and everything. Very very cool couple. They also taught us how to brew beer which I think we're gonna do and then we went out for coney's and beers (they were less gross this time.)

This was rushed. I'll come back and write more and post more videos, but I have a bus to Pittsburgh in 4 hours and my laptop is gonna die anyway. Great days man.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Daydreaming will be the death of me. Today I recreated an estimated 30-45 scenarios involving me sparking a conversation with this girl that came into the store today, each with ranging levels on confidence in my word choice/tone, all resulting in different reactions and thus different outcomes. First dates, first phone conversations, first kisses in some. Driving around in my car without music was really would kept my head so fogged with all this nonsense. I had nothing to hone in on, and all the scattered impulses in my brain grabbed on to as many hypothetical situations as they could. It drove me crazy. This is my reaction to almost every pretty girl I see. I can create them so vividly it almost seems irrelevant to me that I didn't say a word to her, to any of them.

A strong loneliness is stalking me. I can see it behind me, like watching all the light of the world slowly crawl toward the horizon at the sunset. I have felt this loneliness before and I am not looking forward to it, but have almost accepted it's inevitability. I don't think I can change the way I'm thought of, and I feel like it's almost a hopeless goal. I can't decide whether to be harder on myself, stop craving attention, live independently, completely reclusive, or maybe I'm too hard on myself as it is. A natural desire to be attended to and loved is an intrinsic part of our species, is it not? I almost hope that it's not true, because the latter seems more hopeless to me. Some people I had once fell back on and became so close with are almost unrecognizable to me. The party drugs and the promiscuity and the lack of regard for anything remotely related to other peoples feelings has left a small fire of hatred in my heart, fueled by anger of the idea of change itself.

Where the hell did these blisters on my hand come from? This morning I woke up with a spider on me and for the entire day I've felt something crawling on me.

I miss Greg and Tyler. Fuck, I miss everyone. All the time. I wish everyone could just feel this, all the love, I wish I could make it emanate from me.

I get this strong sense of urgency sometimes, like this lingering feeling that I haven't been real for months on end now. Like I haven't spoken a real word, like my mind hasn't been open to anyone but myself and my books and my writings. There's so much I feel like I need to say but I feel like if I say them they become real and if they become real I go back to square one of all of this. My mind keeps telling me I'm okay, my gut does not agree. A similar rivalry has grown between them, one regarding my sense of self-awareness. When this feeling pops up time and time again, my gut tells me I haven't been real. Or my subconscious, rather. Or perhaps they imply the same thing. Regardless, my mind tells me I am being real. Am I myself? How can I make that judgement if I don't know me? Who's to say the words out of my mouth are spoken by the true tongue behind it? This constant system of checks and balances is failing, and has left me an timid, cowardly wreck. Where has all my confidence gone? I am too afraid to even cry to my friends, which is really all I want to do right now, but instead I am in my dark room, stone-faced, tapping away at this pseudo emotional release.

5/24 - 6/1

Wednesday was the practice room concert. Amazing as always. I got footage of everyones whole set (except Konrad, I was so zoned in I completely forgot to film.) Here are my highlights from each set.

Son Oak (Greg):

Mages/Michael Brandon (Mike Mausler):

Trestin Eeling (Kenny Korb):

I got all of Tapestry (Casey's) too, but he never got through more than half a song haha and I don't know how he would feel if I posted them here, he is fucking amazing though and I really hope he like memorizes his songs and plays for us again, so so so impressed. And Glass Frog's (Konrad's) set was amazing and entrancing as always.

Thursday was mah birthday and I had a lot of people over and we played a lot of drinking games, smoked a lot of hookah, played drunk wiffle ball, listened to music, hung out, and had a lot of good bbq. Didn't have any videos of this day, because well it was pretty run-of-the mill to be honest, although I should have documented our first slap-a-hoe games... but that will be played a lot more in the future. Turned in pretty early, drinking all day really tires me out.

Friday I had to wake up at like 10 which blows and I had a double shift and I don't even remember what I did after. OH this was the night I came home to go to sleep, but then Greg convinced me to go to the DDI and play manhunt and chill with everyone, which evolved into everyone just chilled with no manhunt at the DDI. Definitely the funniest line of the night was when Thog was trying to like, recreate the scenario prior to this kid texting Jess, and he was imagining this kids friends being like "YO THAT BITCH LOOK LIKE SHE GOT A FINE VAGINA," and I don't think anyone has ever said that, ever, and I laughed about it for a long time hahahahaha. Also Steve tried to kill us all. No biggy.

SATURDAY was a shittttttttt show. I worked, and after work we were supposed to go to Molly Blooms to make fun of Jess and Kim for pouring shots there, but they bailed, so we just drank at Kim's instead, and I completed my task of getting hammered, as did everyone else it seemed. Really a good night.

Sunday night I woke up at Salwen's with Kyle and we chilled and went back to my house and Greg checked out my two pedals and then he left and I had work and after work there was a sick few games of frisbee, and even my brother came along and it was wonderful to see him having fun and getting better at the game, and enjoying himself.

Monday was memorial day and I went to Greg Falk's at like 2 and ate great barbecue and went swimming for the first time this summer, and it felt amazing. Chilled, played a lot of would you rather, and rated Jess Katon in comparison to all the other girls in smithtown MUAHAHAHA. Then I left with Kyle and went to meet with Mike and Koke at the Dennison and played one of the best games of frisbee I've ever played. Chilled with them two at the sound spot for a while talking about past loves, then dipped back to my house for some good ol' zombies and oven pizza. Salwen is gone from here on out and it really sucks. A lot.

Yesterday me and Koke went to play Weber and Mike in basketball and it was fucking scorching hot, and it wasn't fun. BUT WE WON! Then we all parted ways, and at night I did nothing and then Weber came over and we watched the basketball game.

Today I had work and I stopped by to give Eric some pizza and chill, then after work I came home and worked on the pool and backyard til the sun went down. Then eventually me and Kyle met up at the dennison, Lavelle came, Kenny came, we skated and tossed a frisbee and got some funny videos recorded on Greg's old camera which I hope Kenny uploads so I can post em here haha. These russian exchange students drove in and started taking pictures of random shit, then 2 of them went on a walk and this girl Lida came over and hung out with us for a while, and spoke REALLY broken english hahaha but we taught her how to throw a frisbee and she even tried her luck on the skateboard haha it was really cool, friendly people are great. Tried to get her to experience the sound spot but I don't think she really understood at all what we were saying and it just got awkward hahahaha. Then we parted ways and now I'm home, dreading my 11 shift tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Thursday I worked and then went to play some frisbee. Salwen came through, and then we bounced and went to Ashley's, stopping at Weber's house first to visit his sister's little party. Ashley's was a blast, at one point I went to Tyler's with him to make grilled cheese haha. Came back and this was the conversation I returned to:

After all this me and Kenny went to sleep at Greg's. We took these things called miracle berries, and they make you're taste buds change shape and interpret tastes differently, but it really mostly just made sour food taste sweet and hot sauce not burn, it was pretty cool but a bit underwhelming haha. After that we went upstairs and watched OFWGKTA videos and talked up and chilled, I slept over.

Friday I woke up at Salwen's and we chilled for a bit, then he drove me home. Worked until 10, then went home, got dressed, and Omar picked me up to go to Kenny's. Relaxed at Kenny's, then we bounced and a bunch more people met up at Salwen's. Hung out in the Bay Ice and just sat around pretty much and listened to music and chilled. Argued with Koke and Titus Andronicus being amazing, fuck you Koke they rule. Then he drove me home and we got some Wendy's, went inside and played some zombies.

Saturday night I worked until 9, then came home, got dressed, and Weber picked me up. Went to Greg Falk's. Had a blast. Me and Kyle went 7-0 on the table, TYPICAL. Played some flipcup, ordered 9 pizzas, had dance parties and good talks. Haven't gotten drunk in a while and it was nice because I was at like a perfect level that night. Then Koke drove me and Kyle home, they both slept over. In the morning I woke up and helped finish up the fence with my dad, which is now done and the side area/party spot is ready to be grassed and chilled upon. Huzzah. Kyle and Koke got me Burger King <3

Last night Kyle came over and we chilled, then convinced him to come to frisbee! Weber came over, we went to play a big nice Smithtown game of fris, Lavelle showed, and a lot of the classics showed up too. Felt nice playing with the old smithtown crew and I really hope this summer is full of fris, and we keep the legacy going for many years. Then played a Hauppauge game, then Koke, Mike, Trash, Kyle, Jchrist and Petracca came over and we chilled for a while and talked women and played video games.

Today I woke up and watched American History X. That movie is amazing and I wish I could drive a point as well as that movie does, I feel like it's definitely something everyone in the world should see. After that Kyle came over, and we played zombies for a while, then went to the practice room where everyone was hanging out. Played some sweet Mario Party and me/Jess/Greg KICKED ASS!

Then we all talked about devil's three-ways and whatnot, and played Mafia... which was excessively loud and insane, moreso than usual, loved it.

Also, today I ordered my timebender pedal and I'm so pumped to start writing with it. I also now can EASILY save up for my tattoo before my July trips, and have mad money to bring with me on said trips. HUZZAH.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Fixed previous posts so that the embedded videos don't auto-play. That was really a bitch and I'm really glad I figured that out hahaha.

Weber is home and of course I've chilled with him every day. Good to have him back. Today we went to the batting cages, which I've never done before, and it was kinda cool. Might play softball this summer.


Hopefully I'll start writing some legitimate tracks now and post some of my music on here by the end of the summer.

21 in 8 days. Who wants to get DUUUUHRUUUUUUUNK?

Saturday, May 14, 2011



Today I worked fucking 9 hours and it was brutal but good money as always. Also it should be noted that last night at 3:30 AM Kyle called me from Brooklyn telling me he was locked in his car surrounded by "enemies," and didn't know where his friends were. He does not remember doing this. HA!

After work I zoomed home and got changed and zoomed to Northport for a little basement show/party that Tyler was playing. I went there once last year, and it was different from I remembered, I was hoping to meet some people but I felt a lot less outgoing than I had originally planned, but it was nice seeing some Commack bros and there was a fine gathering of Smithtownians as well.

Shenanigans. I'm only posting this next one because Omar says don't film this and I ran into some random dude and you can hear me say "sorry" at the end.

Then the beginning of Tyler's set.

Then here's Tyler's set, I actually think I missed the first song... but whatevz.

Amazing set. I was pretty awestruck. You've come a long way since This Barrel to Hazel buddy! No joke though man, better every time I hear you play, amazing stuff.

Then chilled for a little while longer and eventually took Kim home and had some nice talks, despite her drunk-nyquil-bronchitisized self. I sort of realized that I rarely ever think about the reasoning behind the judgements I make, or the thought process I go through when determining whether or not I like someone, or dislike them, or anything for that matter... which was kind of alarming. I got into thinking about it a lot more since then and I came back to some recurring thoughts I've been having lately about originality and the reason behind my actions and my overall motivation to do the things I do, say the things I say, etc. Lately I've been thinking a lot about how much I crave attention, and how I feel like I say a lot of the things I say just so someone hears me say them, as in nothing I really say or think is a thought of my own. I like the things I like just to be able to tell people I like them, that type of deal... it's weird because now I keep racking my brain and even writing this right now feels like I'm sharing it with all of you just so you hear me say it. I can't really tell how much merit this has, because I don't really know what drives me to do things or say things, so assuming that what I just wrote is true would be just as stupid as assuming anything else. I don't know. I don't want to second guess myself more and more as a result of this, but I do need to give this some more thought for sure, because I hate feeling like I have nothing to call my own, and I hate questioning my own character, which has been happening a lot lately. This is a hard thought to capture, but whatever.

Also, lastly, in regards to last night, Kyle's situation really just reassured my theory about girls. I seriously (and yes, this is cynical, but I'm not being funny or pessimistic,) think that in order to have a girl like you, you can't like her. This is just for a certain type of girl, and obviously once you engage in a relationship with a girl things are different, but I'm talking about the very beginnings. It's seriously disgusting how true it is that we all love challenges, and I am so guilty of it myself, historically and presently. I can chase a girl forever and unless there's some random happening that shifts me into a stronger emotion, as soon as the girl shows affection, I lose interest. This, which I previously assumed to be true of just guys, is arguably more true of girls. Girls love guys who don't give a shit. And what sucks is, that you can't really fake this, nor should you try really... and what sucks more is that, since you can't fake it, the guys who don't give a shit, genuinely don't give a shit, so it doesn't matter either way to them. It's like an eternal spiral. This all sounds really douchey, but the situation I'm referring to is a perfect example and I'm not gonna use names right now because I haven't asked him if it's cool, not that anyone reads this hahaha, but, the girl was obsessed with him, and they were sort of together, but he didn't care at all, thus the relationship was sort of nothing to him. He would have felt no different if this relationship didn't exist. So, he is in no gain or loss. At some point, he gets feelings, and then she starts to lose interest, and now he gets upset that she's not the same as she was when she was chasing him. This sounds a lot more trivial in writing, but in my head this was a pretty important thought. FUCK YA'LL. Alright, enough with this shit, let's talk business, acquire more currency, disregard bitches. TYLER THE CREATOR RIGHT THERE. No, but seriously, the world of attraction and emotional connection is a fucking shitshow to me and I will never grasp it completely, that's pretty much all I'm trying to get at here. Whatever, I'm tired, and I'm eating more pizza.


Friday, May 13, 2011


Sick day off and a lot of potentially cool things to record that I didn't have my camera for...sucks. Kyle came over and we went food shopping which was a blast, then I got some sweet new tee's and shoes and some high socks at the mall and ordered a fresh new hat. I'm definitely gonna spend too much money on clothes this summer but whatever, today was my mum's treat so I haven't started that yet. Lavelle picked us up and we met with Nucci at wings and had a nice meal, then met with Seligman and his girlfriend Jen who was nice. Hit up Denny's and chilled and then it was just me and Nucci and Lavelle back at my place. Got a frisbee and went to the armory to toss, and these three girls were walking past us and stopped to tell us that they had called the cops on some kids drinking, and didn't want us to get in trouble. I thought that that was pretty cool of them to warn us, but couldn't figure out why they called the cops on some stupid kids drinking at a park. But, nonetheless, cops came, and we got kicked out of our little frisbee spot, but whatever. Went to the plaza and the frisbee got thrown on the roof by accident and I had to scale a pipe and climb up and my heart was racing, haven't done any roof climbing in ages, and the top was sick and there was some nice graffiti spots that we should probably hit up this summer...

Anyway, then we all parted ways, and I went to Omar's. Bonfire chillin with Matt, Omar, Dillon, Jess, Tyler, and Ashley. Shot the shit and had some laughs, took some stupid videos where I was fucking around with lighting and stuff, it was cool. I'll post em just for Matt.

Weber, if you are watching, yes, this video is about the Web-Wham, and Ashley's apparent confusion regarding the move.

Matt was being funny and I missed it, so this is my desperate attempt to capture the hilarity.

This one I'm posting only because I figured out how to cut certain audio without actually splicing the file, and this alone got me solely excited for video editing and I want to get some decent software, so if I ever become a famous director or something of that nature, this video was the start of my career. Also, on a side note, I could've saved a lot of decent videos and posted them by cutting out awkward name drops, which makes a lot of these videos generally not presentable to the public. Although, to be honest, the awkward name drop-ees would probably never read this blog anyway but you can never be too careful hahaha.

Ummmm I had some thoughts to post but being that I'm posting May 14th's videos right now too I'll just write them in that.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

05/05/11 - 05/09/11

Binghamton trip, never a dissapointment. Got in Wednesday night after a long day of traveling/stalling in the city, at like midnight. Chilled and waited for our ride, went back to Koke's place, Jake came and we played some basketball and chilled. Got into a heated debate regarding the character development in "He's Just Not That Into You," Katon got the whole thing on video and I hope to see it turn up somewhere soon so I can post it. Because I am right, and Scarlett Johansson is a whore.

Thursday woke up, stalled around campus for a while, got some supplies to start making the skittles vodka, did a little bit of drinking and then Ari finally picked me up to go to campus. I really don't remember what I did that day, because the amazingness of Titus Andronicus really just overwhelmed my senses. I do seem to recall drinking a little bit and hanging out at my old room, and at the bike-a-thon. Jason Kushner and his friend from Albany came down with a bottle of whiskey and we chilled and headed to the concert. Set list was perfect... They played every song off The Monitor besides Theme From Cheers and A Pot In Which to Piss. Lots from the first album too, and even a Ramones cover. The crowd was going nuts which was good because I seemed like less of a psycho. Honestly one of the best shows I've ever been to, high energy, great crowd, great set, great stage presence. They are amazing. Headed back to the apartment, watched some Curb, ate some Taco Bell.

Friday, woke up and was lazy. Forever. Eventually my and Kyle walked to campus. I ended up hanging out with Sam for a couple hours which was nice, always good company. Went back to the old room, drank some beers, Greg and Eric came over, played some stupid drinking games, then hopped on a bus home.

Saturday woke up, Dragon came over and picked me up asap. Broke out the skittles liquor which was FANTASTIC. Drank all day and had a couple too many but I was back to being good again right before Taking Back Sunday. Chilled with everyone all day, chilled at Jake's for a while, chilled at Berger's for a while. Taking Back Sunday really sucked ass hahaha I lost, my shoes, socks, and glasses. Anyway, went back to Jake's partied for a while, had a blast, went to Escape, chilled on roofs, played games, passed out. Fantastic night.

Woke up at 9:30 UGH. Walked to Salwen's, hung out there for a while, then took off with Jess. Drove to Taughannock which was beautiful as always, then went to the Ithaca commons, and got a good burrito. Then took the voyage to the six mile creek to go gorge jumping... always the best. Got some good footy, it's really hard to capture how large this cliff is haha.

me and silly gorge jump from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

silly's jump from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

Rode home, chilled out for the rest of the night with Kyle at my old apartment, watched The Machinist, Koke came home and we chilled for a little bit too. Got dropped off at the bus at like 3AM, scariest bus ride ever, most tired day of my life, but eventually made it home.

That night I went to play frisbee and met up with Mike and Tyler and Kenny, so gooood seeing everyone, haven't seen Mike or Ty in months. Me and Kenny went back to Ty's and I slept over and it was nice chillin, he's got a sick new room. Woke up, Jess came over, chilled a bit, came to my house, got Subway, then I went home. Kyle came over after a while, did a jigsaw puzzle, Tyler, Jess, Omar, Kim, and Mike came over and we chilled and told stories and all cuddled up while watching an episode of "Secret Life," which is the worst thing in the entire world.


Monday, April 25, 2011


Saturday night I worked and then went to Koke's cousin James's for some drinks and playstation. His brother got engaged so we took a couple shots in his honor and tried to beat frogger which is an absurdly hard game. Farkas stopped by for a little and it was a nice night.

Yesterday was probably my favorite day of 2011. Drove over to Greg's, took a bike ride down to the industrial park, such nice weather, first bike ride since my syracuse trek. Biked back to his house and went outside and sat on his old swingset. His little brother and sister came outside and we played volleyball and then I taught them SPUD which is this really old street game I used to play when I was like 7... so nostalgic and amazing haha I also really think our group could enjoy playing it a lot. Then his mom cooked us a delicious dinner and I sat in on my first Salwen family dinner in a long time. After that we drove down to Dennison to play some rainy frisbee. Great two games. Met a few really nice kids through Nicky's core group of players and I'm really amped on smithtown getting back into the action when everyone comes home! Anyway, went back to Salwen's and watched some of this movie that seemed awful, then Konrad came over and we chatted and talked about music and scoped out some equipment, I am ALMOST positive I'm picking this bad boy up within the next couple weeks :


Seems really swell. Then Berger came over and Kenny came over eventually and we endless youtube looped and chilled and chatted. Konrad and Eric dipped out and me and Kenny and Greg sat and talked and played guitar and whatnot, then went for a walk to the sandmine. The fog was so thick it was like we were standing on the edge of the planet and the faint lights looked like far off stars. We soon discovered that there was an INCREDIBLE cyclical echo that bounced from every point around us in a circle. It was creepy and we couldn't stop screaming into it because it sounded just as amazing and unbelievable every time. Walked back and improved a song about people bullshitting and it ended up being really jazzy and hilarious.

10 days til Binghamton trip. Then Weber comes home like 9 days after that. Then the cascade of amazing summer of 2011 begins. So amped.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So this break has been nothing but sick so far. Saturday after work we all went to Omar's for a classic hookah session, and it was awesome as always. All the Bing people showed up except Rob, and Farkas and Koke and Kenny were there also... did our usual bullshitting, caught up, talked about our most recent adventures, held a trial, talked about girls, smoked a lot of hookah... people started clearing out and eventually it was just me, Greg, Kenny and Omar, and we chilled til like 5 am.


Untitled from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

Took a while for that one to encode. Hehe.

Sunday was sick frisbee, I don't think anything happened prior to it, I might have been working. I took my brother and his two friends to this game, it was cool and I'm glad to be taking my brother around with me nowadays. So we had a great game of frisbee, it drizzled lightly but no one minded, then me, my brother and his two friends, Greg, Nicole, and Lindsey went to the dunes at Long Beach. It's been sooooooo long since I've jumped those and the feeling is still so incredible I love it, if anyone hasn't done it, they need to come do it this summer or something. Climbed the big entry-way tree and sat on that and chilled for a little while. Then we went to 24 hour bagels and ate and Kenny and Greg came over to chill for a short while. Solid night.

Monday night I believe Greg came over. We went to Steve's house... me, Omar, and Greg. Danielle made an appearance for like 5 minutes, what a hoe. Played ping pong, watched American Psycho, some of Zombie Fest, got a lot of snacks from walgreen's and pretty much just chilled as hard as possible. Pretty sure I just went home that night.

Tuesday I went to Greg's after his Passover dinner, enjoyed some Matzah ball soup of course... then we planned out the megabus tour. It's 9 days in total and we go to Pittsburgh, Cincinatti, Chicago and St. Louis. Booked our tickets and it's going to be amazing. Went to Home Depot and looked up pricing on some supplies for this project Greg wants to do, then visited Kenny at work. Met up with Farkas and drove to my old neighborhood. Took a late night walk through the woods to Little Italy.

Untitled from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

Haha my video-ing has been so shitty. Damn. Had some great talks and a great walk. Met up with Kenny at Greg's, booked the tickets for megabus tour, then headed home.

Wednesday afternoon it was beautiful out so we all went to Maple and played basketball and kickball and frisbee, solid day of sports. Me Greg and Kenny walked down and got free pizza and Ralph's, then went and picked up some spray and some supplies so we could get working on some stencils. Came back here and drew up a bunch of things and I cut mine out and gave it a test run and it looks pretty cool. Zahava came over, Rob and Steve came over, then we all went to Omar's for a bonfire session. Finished my bottle of whiskey and had a nice cigar and had a wonderful time. Ended the night with a Wendy's session and Omar took me home. That was a good night.

Last night Koke came over and we were gonna play frisbee but it got cancelled, so we ended up just hanging out and playing CoD and getting McFlurries. Farkas met up, we went to 7/11, wanted to go stenciling but I didn't. I'm so pumped on it though.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I need to make it so that the things that I rationalize in my head, I actually commit to and follow through with in real life. The rational me I create in my head would fair a lot better in the real world than the real me.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Last night I went out to town to chill with Jackie. We sat in town like bums and drove around trying to think of anything that could possibly make the night entertaining. After a few loops around different parts of the town and a few scattered meet ups and awkward encounters, we sort of gave up and just went back to town. Went home at like 12:30 defeated again by my lack of social life.

Driving around we were talking and laughing and gossiping a bit, and this kid George came up, he used to live on my block back when I was in middle school. We used to skate and listen to music and sit on the curb after school doing nothing after school... I hadn't seen him or talked to him in about 6 year I would say, and I had heard he got involved in some real bad things, and I cracked a joke when his name got brought up like "that kid's still alive?" and as it turns out he died the other day. My face sorta went white and Jackie told me he killed himself or died of a heroine overdose or something to that extent... things like that always sort of hit me heavy for some reason. It's just crazy that we can all start up in the same place and be little innocent kids and end up so far apart in a matter of 6 years. It's a scary thing. Terrifying, actually.

Then I came home dwelling on it, and while the particular event didn't depress me, the thought of the 6 year concept stayed on my mind. I went upstairs to grab my computer from my brother sleeping in his bed, and when I took it downstairs he was still opened up to a facebook conversation that I'm not really gonna get into because I feel way guilty seeing it, but what I read combined with the thoughts I was having really hit me hard. He's growing up way too fast and it worries me so much and I don't even want my brother to grow up. I hate his friends that I feel like are pressuring him into doing these things, and I hate those girls who have tried to act like they're older than they are since they were in 8th grade, with drinking and smoking and having sex. It hit me really hard and I couldn't sleep and I kept thinking about going upstairs and just screaming at him, but I didn't.

I fell asleep and I dreamed about being in a room with all my friends and playing guitar and all of us making our own sound and everyone was listening or sleeping and just looking so happy and I was so happy. Nights like last night make me want to put my face to a pillow and stay in that dream.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So I think I'm gonna start in alphabetical order and read every book on my shelf that I haven't gotten to yet. HOPEFULLY I'll be done in time to go to school in the fall.

....while listening to this on repeat of course.

Binghamton May 5th. Titus Andronicus secret show. Everyone should go up that weekend I'm sure we can all find places to stay. Also that's the weekend of Spring fling, which Taking Back Sunday is playing... which might be cool if they play the good shit, but who knows.

Well I have about 20000 pages of books to start reading so LATER YA'LL.

Saturday, March 26, 2011



New Fleet Foxes. FINALLY. Everyone needs to download this now. There's some breaks in some of the songs, I don't know who ripped it, but I'm working on getting a better upload.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Music post


Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Belong


Blackbird Blackbird - Halo (Been trying to get you guys into them for like a year now, GET INTO THEM THEY RULE)


Low - C'mon (Just for you Tyler!)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Random writing tidbits

In a dream, I find myself sprinting, barefoot and confused, searching for something. What it is I am looking for, I am unsure, but it instills a feeling a familiarity in my mind, and I know that I will surely recognize it when I find it. The walls, the ceiling, the floor, they are all built of carefully lain brick, jagged as the flesh of my heels slams on them. The hallway is lit, vast and empty, with ceilings stretching higher than I can even fathom, yet I travel up flights of stairs to levels even further skyward. Every door I open yields the same result; a decrepit kitchen, rotting in its emptiness, and a single mattress, tattered and laying in a corner. I have been running for a while now.

I am now stopped looking out a window, overseeing a small meadow parallel to the barren roadway which is lined with a seemingly infinite amount of buildings like the one I am currently in. So many places to look.

I give up. The search seems hopeless.

I head home and hear the voices of many, and beyond my front door are familiar faces, smiling, drunk. I take note of the people around me, laughing, dancing. I intrude on a two people fucking on my bed. I walk out of my room, embarrassed, and now the house is empty. I barge into my room, confused, and that too, is empty.

"Where were you?" - the note taped across my door. I look out the window to see if the meadow is still there. It isn't.

Today, when I woke up, I am putting in my contacts while my mom is talking. In my kitchen, I look outside to see the sky. Spring is close. My grandmother is sitting out by the green mossy pool, head tilted back, facing the sky, eyes tightly shut. I smile. My mom tells me that my grandmother told her how she felt like she would be better off dead. Sometimes, she even wishes it. I look back outside at her, head tilted up still. I can hear what she is thinking.

This world is strange, and we as well.


Tonight is really fucking boring so I am now cooking a pizza and decided I would just write whatever I was thinking about while the pizza was cooking. The pizza is burnt. FUCK.

Monday, March 14, 2011

3/14/11 (Godspeed You! Black Emperor)

Holy shit. The show was incredible. Everything I could have wanted (except they didn't play two songs I would've loved to hear.) But everything they played was so tight, I feel like they must have been practicing secretly for 8 years and not really broken up.

SET: (as far as I could tell)

Blaise Bailey Finnegan III
Motherfucker = Redeemer Part 1 (I think)

They were one for at least 2 hours and I loved every second of it, and they played a shit load of transition music and some pretty harsh noise at points. The visuals were pretty goddamn awesome as well. I really am thinking about going to another one before the week ends, even by myself.

Took a couple videos, then I just wanted to focus on the sound. We weren't as close as I would've liked, so the shot isn't great, but the sound came out very nice and this little flip never fails to impress me. So enjoy!


Godspeed You! Black Emperor 3/14/11 from Jordan Reboliini on Vimeo.

Storm (first movement):

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Storm 3/14/11 from Jordan Reboliini on Vimeo.


Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Sleep 03/14/11 from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

Fucking gives me the chills. Storm was definitely the high point for me.. that or Static, I just wish the sample they used for Static was louder. For anyone who's reading this who doesn't listen to GS!YBE, I really suggest getting:

F#A#Infinity - http://www.mediafire.com/?fgi8neoj1lb

Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven - http://www.mediafire.com/?njkykyz2ynz


Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada - http://www.mediafire.com/?22wzzejmjio

The Dead Flag Blues (opening track on F#A#Infinity,) is the song that got me into them, but Lift Your Skinny Fists is definitely my favorite by them right now, but it switches between the two quite often. It's all gold honestly.


Saturday, March 12, 2011


Party last night, usual crew, good times, all the usual things. Kinda losing their excitement haha but still fun. Dom's here and it's great seeing him and Omar was supposed to come and that would've RULED cause I miss Omar but yeah.

Well I'm homeward bound tomorrow until next year. Ran out of money. It sucks. But whatever I wasn't accomplishing anything here anyway. I hope I can get somewhere while I'm home but who knows either. I hate this feeling of just drifting, and I feel it more and more and more now, even though I've felt it to a degree my whole life, what with moving to a different town or state every other year. I think having a niche is probably the most important thing, no matter how small it is, because with that you can feel belonging and accomplishment. Growing up, going to 6 different schools, constantly adjusting, I don't think I've ever really had that, and I think I feel it's effects most strongly these days, when I'm trying to find independence and self-sustaining happiness and fulfillment. I love my friends with all my heart but I always feel like an outsider looking in, and we're past the years of no responsibilities and everyone's branching out and gaining their independence, but I'm still stuck trying to figure everything else out. I also feel like this is probably why the last few years of my life I've had such a drive to have a girlfriend, because that's a role to fill, a niche. You feel needed. Realizing how dependent you are sucks. I don't really know what I'm getting at and I don't really know how to solve it yet, part of me wants to just hole up in my room at home and get right on my own and maybe get myself to start looking at the world differently, and the other part of me knows that I'll probably just go bat shit crazy if I try that. Who knows, day at a time I suppose.

So it goes.

EDIT: Also I really can't stop listening to this song, it's incredible:

Foxes In Fiction : 'School Night' from Jamie Harley on Vimeo.

I really like the video too except that one part where it zooms in on the kids face for like 15 seconds...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

JoA Leak part II


Joan of Arc - Life Like

This pleased me a lot more then the instrumental leak I posted a few weeks prior... so far this album is great and has a much more classic Joan of Arc sound that I craved. ENJOY FRIENDS :')

While I'm at it, get this too:


Just cause Foxes in Fiction rules

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Taking videos of drunken shenanigans is only so humoring for so long, so I can't imagine it humoring all of you if it doesn't amuse me at all. Ummm let's see here... Last weekend was parade day, which as expected was a shit show, and while it was a blast doing car bombs at 10 in the morning, I really need to remember to pace myself, because coming to consciousness at like 4PM being really confused about the last 4 hours of your life is not a good way to enjoy an afternoon. But I had a great time from what I remember and hanging out at Jake's is so good he lives with some really chill people. I stopped drinking and was pretty much sober by like 8 or 9 and we went to the bars and I didn't drink and it was an awful idea because why would the Rat be fun unless you're drunk, butttt it was amusing to say the least. Salwen came through and we chilled on the bar street and people watched then got pizza. Walked back to Jake's with this girl Corey and slept there. Had a WONDERFUL slumber party with Jenn and Jake and her two friends from home, it was a blast. Nice people all around. Woke up and Koke was finally home (I was locked out all weekend) WHICH reminds me, that Friday night I slept over Salwen's. Him and Rob came over and we cooked some curried chicken which was fantastic and then went back to his place to draw and meet Kelsie's two friends and smoke some hookah. Watched Stella commentary and passed out. Then yeah, parade day.

On a side note, I really need to stop having (or attempting,) to have serious conversations with people while I'm drunk. I feel nothing but embarrassment at the thought of the idiotic things I could have said.

UMMMMM other things, last night was Erin's birthday and was one of the best Tuesday's so far. EVERYONE was at the Rat, even Salwen and Rob came which is unprecedented, and me and Jake (me and Joe) made it to the elite 8, also I got a fucking dominos pie which is always the best way to end a night. Also we ate some cake to celebrate Erin leaving her teens.

Today I played a shitload of basketball, the first time this year we actually got a real full court game going, and I am AWFUL but it's so fun as long as you're with chill people.

Also I'm working on this mosaic type thing, and by mosaic I mean a bunch of pieces of computer paper taped together... it's hopefully gonna be a huge tree to take up my whole wall, I've finished two pages which took HOURS AND HOURS, so it's not gonna be done anytime soon cause I'm estimating like 25 pages.

Other things, other things... yeah I don't know, not much. Hopefully having another party on Friday, hopefully gonna get Jake's house to come this time. Fucking, GODSPEED ON MONDAY, and Dom's gonna be here this weekend... some good days lined up.

I came across this idea for a book I started writing back in I THINK 11th or 12th grade... among other weird things I found on this computer (Salwen I found your yearbook entry!) Anyway, it was like THE MOST depressing thing ever hahaha I don't know why everything I write ends up being depressing... but the idea is interesting so I might pick it up again and see where I can take it. Being a writer would be pretty sick, I just HAAAAAAATE the idea of being an English major, cause fuck all those kids. God damn.

Hopefully gonna pull together another months rent so I don't have to move back home just yet. I like it here. I feel productive for once. Despite other things that I'm trying to work out to better myself, I think I'm in a good place here.

Next post I have is probably gonna be after Godspeed, and then I'll be home, so get ready for some amazing live footage, and then some good videos of being home and not drinking in excess!

Also, hey sister Ari, I hope you don't think I'm a huge loser because of my blog!

Monday, February 28, 2011


So much not video-ing going on. I feel like it's weird to take videos here. Like people would get uncomfortable. Anyway this week was fun and we threw another party and it ruled.

Also though,

drew it up today. It's rough but I definitely want it SMACK DAB on my chest. I also wish I didn't already have latin on me because I would love to throw a little "in somnis veritas" across the top, but then it's like, why does this kid love latin so much? Also I gotta remember to reverse the left feather. Also, drawing feathers is fucking hard but I determined a decently easy technique is to just draw a hundred thousand lines in the same direction. It sort of looks like a feather in the end!

Knispel might come up tomorrow?

I'll post some more shit tomorrow there's a lot of good new music I wanna share but I have some job follow ups I need to hit up early in the morning, so goodnight world.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Word up


New Radiohead. Get the shit out of it friends.


So I had this long entry about the last few days and nights but I reread it and it was sort of cynical and I didn't like it soooooo I'm unposting it.

But the last two nights were a lot of fun, Thursday I walked to Salwen's house because it was beautiful out and he biked over so we walked together. Got to his house, cooked up some delicious stir fry and salad, and then just chilled for a while. Me Mike and Joe went down the road and grabbed some beer and came back, and us three and Kelsie played Kings, Gilbert played for a little while, then Salwen came and we played fuck the dealer and then we found remnants of a bottle of liquor so we drank a bit more and then went to the frisbee house to chill. Played pong there, didn't do much really... not much of a fan of the frisbee house/people haha. Anyway got drunker then I expected and stayed out way later than expected and ended up walking home at like 3 in the morning.

Friday Koke left, and I had nothing to do all day, so I ran some errands and relaxed. I changed the party from Saturday night to last night, and so people came over and it was grand. My roommates came and we went on a beer run and then played some basketball, then Jake and Jenn came and we brought some beer down to the court and drank and played more basketball, Erin and Tiff came and we drank more and played soccer. The place is awesome and pretty much empty so I feel like I can do whatever I want haha, we explored and drank all around and it was awesome. Then we moved upstairs to the room and played pong and cards and whatnot, a bunch more people came, ordered about 100 pizzas, sang a lot of Creed (not happy about it,)

CREED from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

and did all the usual. Lots of star machine (thank you Andrew,) naked laps (yikes,) and overall a successful night.

Since I zapped my computer I don't have the damn flip video software anymore so I need to figure that shit out then I'll upload them. Matt Noll prepare to be embarassed.

HA NOLL from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.


Monday, February 14, 2011


Binghamton is ruling thusfar, but I have not brought my video camera around, so if you think you're getting videos this post you better fuckin THINK AGAIN.

Well this girl Nicole drove me and Kenny and this kid Mark up. It was a quick ride, except we got pulled over, but luckily no ticket. Arrived at around 1-1:30. The apartment is BEAUTIFUL I'm gonna just take a quick video of a little tour, and post it later... tomorrow. Me and Koke just put Wedding Crashers on so I'm not doing it now.

Friday me and Kenny woke up and chilled a while til Koke came back, then went to campus, saw my old roommates and Danielle's suite and Lindsay too. Hung around, got dinner, then went to Salwen's. They cooked some food and we smoked some hookah, but we need a new tube for sure. Then we went and got a bottle of Soco for me and Koke. They made some ABSURD punch haha it was like 30% alcohol with 12 redbulls, I stayed away from it but that really didn't help my efforts of not getting trashed (FALK'S FUNNELS BE PROUD.) Me and Koke went 12 in a row on the pong table as expected. Then we played some thumper, then we played some flipcup, and Koke eventually left and I finished up the bottle and was pretty smashed, which was nice because it has been a while. Played some more pong, had great pep talks with Greg and Kenny, saw a kid shit his pants, lost a girls phone number, broke up a fight, and then passed out. Such a good party haha.

Saturday woke up and was felt like absolute shit. Chilled at home for a while, went food shopping, I don't really think we did much and I don't quite remember. Eventually we ended up back at campus to cook some pizzas and play some Scattegories and some Mafia which is always the best. Hung out til around 1-1:30, then went home and went to sleep, I was pretty shot.

Sunday Koke had his snowboarding class, also worth noting that I've successfully cooked breakfast every day. Worked out, played some basketball (which I've also done every day, Knicks here I come,) and then hitched a ride to UP. Hung out with Sam for a couple hours, which was pretty out of nowhere, but it was actually nice to see her. It's nice to be on good terms with people, it feels relieving, and I suppose I didn't have much of a reason to be resentful to her in the first place, so we pretty much just got coffee, caught up, and it wasn't awkward at all either. Might even hang out with her again, who knows. Anyway then I walked back to campus and chilled with my old roommates, then got a ride back home. Cooked up some penne alla vodka, Koke came home, and we played some more basketball.

This morning Mikedge was here from Buffalo. We went and met up with everyone on campus, came back here, played a nice game of 21, then we went food shopping. Came home, Salwen came over, Koke came home. Cooked up a wonderful dinner of chicken parmesan, pasta with a sweet sausage sauce, and some green beans. It was a really relaxing day. Now we're watching Wedding Crashers.

No word on a job yet, I put some applications in, but I haven't hit the mall yet.

Home life has pretty much been listening to music, playing video games, reading, cooking, drinking hot chocolate and Baileys, and playing basketball. I'm gonna play a shit load of basketball. I also think I'm gonna pick up some form of knitting, because while it is incredibly nerdy, it would be cool to be able to knit my own hats and make some funky shit. Koke's gonna start tutoring me in some calculus, and hopefully my job comes through, because I'm loving this move so far and I don't want it to fall through.


Thursday, February 10, 2011


So it's Thursday and I didn't do anything this whole week except go to the mall and chill with Melissa a little bit. I'm moving up tonight and I'm real pumped, hopin there's enough room in the car for my stuff though, if I couldn't fit my guitar that would suck... a lot.

Here's a couple great albums I highly recommend:


Titus Andronicus - The Monitor

This is from 2010 but I'm posting it because if anyone who is reading this right now hasn't heard it, stop what you're doing, download it, and listen right now. It's fantastic and I've been binging on it for like 72 hours now.


Cemeteries - Speaking Horrors. Nice little album, sort of indie electronic, very chillin, I love throwing it on when I'm sitting in my room or playing video games or something, give it a shot.


Ringo Deathstarr - Colour Trip

Some lovely shoegaze I found today, and I've been loving it so far, I grabbed the S/T as well but so far I like this one better. It's pretty rare a shoegaze band catches my interest like this but it did so here you all go.

Also I got the Joan Of Arc leak, but I sort of hate it, so I'm not posting it.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Pretty uneventful week, only thing that really happened was Kenny coming over one night, but the weekend was chock full of greatness. Friday all the Bing kids came home and it was so nice to see everyone. Met up with Omar in town, picked up a few decent cigars, drove around, and finally went to Kenny's while rapping the whole way. Got to Kenny's and thought it would be a great idea to continue our promising rap career...

3boysrap from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

One of my favorite lines personally, from my man Omar himself, "I just want a dime, I'm talking about girls, not a real dime, what can you buy with a dime?" Unfortunately the video has some offensive things that I don't quite see fit to be posted on my blog. Maybe one day when we get famous it'll see the light of day. Did that for a while, drew on his wall a bit, and then went outside and smoked our cigars in preparation of a night of fun.

Got to Ty's, met all his Boston friends, hung around and had a beer or two and it was just good ol' fun. Listened to music. I got reeeeeally tired though because since Ireland I've been a lame old man and have been going to sleep at like 11, but now I think I'm back on a normal schedule, not too late and not too early. Went home and was locked out... for like a REALLY long time. Us Rebolini's never lock anything, it sucks that we started to. No one is going to steal our shit. BUT whatever.

Next day woke up and chilled a bit, picked up Salwen in town and went to Ty's again. Played this weird ass/actually fun game called Settler's of Catan. Me and Salwen kicked ass and won, as proved by this video evidence...

the real winners... from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

So it can't be disputed that we won, obviously, duh. Then I had to go home for dinner (pizza, fantastic,) and went right back to Ty's. A lot more people had showed up and I met some new people and we played some Smash. Then we decided to play what everyone likes to call "the spank machine." I had heard of it, I had seen it, but I had never played it. Pretty much the spank machine is, you get dealt a card and if you get dealt an ace, you pick a donkey kong to represent you in a free-for-all smash bros match. If your designated donkey kong is the first to be eliminated, you are publicly and painfully humiliated by crawling under everyone in the vicinity's legs, receiving a variety of light to heavy spanks, until every person has had their fun. Of course, the first time I participate, and the only time we play, I fucking lose, and my ass was grass. Great fun guys, thanks a lot.

fucking donkey kong from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

spank machine from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

Fuck you Steve, that shit really hurt. Anyway after that I went and picked up some more beer, then picked up Pogo who I haven't seen in years and it was fantastic to hang out with him. Me and Kenny ran train on the pong table, fucking 13 and 0 AS USUAL, shut out Tyler's older brothers team, and was pretty much on top of the world. Quit while we were ahead, proceeded to get hammered, played a lot of thumper. Thumper got really intense and this video is fucking fantastic, sorry your vase broke Tyler, and I hope you don't get in trouble... but really this video is hilarious.

thumped too hard from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

So needless to say, that ended our thumper-ing. Played some mellower games, kings, other card games, went on another beer run, chilled more, and it was a fantastic night. I got a little bit too drunk and had a really odd rant with J3nny about some psychological girl things, and I probably embarrassed myself, but OH WELL! It was just an all around fantastic night, and I slept alright but I woke up to get a drink and there was mad snoring so I bounced at like 7 AM.

Then I explored my flip video and found these gems:

brandons friend dancing from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

what is this from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

Don't know when the fuck Tyler's brothers friends found the time to film these, but I'm glad they did, because it's pretty hilarious. Kudos fellas.

Other notable things: moving up to Binghamton to live with Andrew Koke on friday, we'll see how that goes.
Hung out with Jackie a bunch this week, it was pretty nice, I like that I've kept on good terms with her all these years.
Upped my gauges to 00, probably gonna bring them all the way to 3/4" by summer time, because fuck it, you only live once. I'll fucking sew them up myself if I really need to for a goddamn job.
Ummmm that's it. Hoping for stuff to do this week, but hoping moreso for a great weekend and great success in finding work upstate so I can stay til summer/maybe for a summer class.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Jet lag has taken its toll on me but I think I'm past it.

Omar picked me up the other night and we went in to Gino's because they said they would hire me again if I just came in and talked to them... but that was clearly not true hahaha. It was cool seeing my boy Locke again because he rules but then I went to talk to Joe, the owner, and he was very scowl-y. Then I apologized and told him I didn't want to ask for my job back I just wanted to be on good terms so I could come in and hang out and get pizza when I felt like it, so he chilled out and we caught up and whatnot. They would all be nice guys if they didn't have to worry about keeping a successful business and whatnot.

Then we went to Omar's to smoke some hookah and Kenny came and it was a lovely session, so relaxing in fact that I fell asleep and kept drifting in and out of the conversation, which I feel like was ironically about dreams a lot of the time. SORRY FELLAS.

Then yesterday Steve came over and it was awesome to see him even if only for an hour... then Koke called me which was awesome, I love when friends call to talk on the phone. Made some plans to come up to Binghamton which I hope work out. Fell asleep early and got a great nights rest.

TODAY! Me and Dylan started our cooking production, which will be Zagat rated by the end of the school year. Tonight we made fish and chips. They were god awful. We made the mistake of using frozen/salted fish which made them rubbery and really salty. We threw them all out and made frozen pizza instead. BUT ALL WAS NOT IN VAIN! The mashed potatoes we made, using our own personal recipe, came out delicious. We used this hot-sauce pepper cheddar and garlic and it came out fantastic and spicy. The frozen pizza was good too. Also, today, I wrote a whole song and I'm not necessarily impressed with myself, but proud that I'm sticking to my guns and starting to do all these things again. Maybe I'll keep working on it or even jam it out with Kenny and Omar and see what comes of it.

No vids to post today. I tried to get a video of my cat being really really cute but when I got up to get the camera it stopped being cute, damn cat.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


35 songs that warm my heart///Ireland super mix

I made a couple of mixes at night when I couldn't sleep in Dublin that I was quite proud of and I utilized throughout the whole trip! Here's one and every song on it makes me feel a little bit of loooooooove.


1. Voice of an Old Friend - Active Child
2. 100/0 (Snowdays Forever) - A Sunny Day in Glasgow
3. Drizzled - Adam & Naive
4. Where's Your Dirty Mind? - Avi Buffalo
5. Awake My Soul - Mumford & Sons
6. One Rose - Why?
7. Opis Helpus - Avey Tare & Kria Brekkan
8. Welcome to Bangkok - Brand New
9. Things I Did When I Was Dead - No Age
10. Earthquake - Deerhunter
11. Seventeen (Anna's Cabin ver.) - Why?
12. Futile Devices - Sufjan Stevens
13. Never Meant - American Football
14. The Gin War - Cassino
15. Fading Lights Are Fading / Reign Rebuilder [Tail Out] - Set Fire to Flames
16. Waterfalls (Eli's Cabin ver.) - Why?
17. Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl - Broken Social Scene
18. Sigh No More - Mumford & Sons
19. Quick Canal - Atlas Sound
20. In The Flowers - Animal Collective
21. Summer Heart - Blackbird Blackbird
22. Helicopter - Deerhunter
23. My Chariot - The Depreciation Guild
24. Do You Realize?? - The Flaming Lips
25. Blue Ridge Mountains - Fleet Foxes
26. Dramamine - Modest Mouse
27. re: Stacks - Bon Iver
28. Epilogue - The Antlers
29. Little River - The Tallest Man on Earth
30. Go Mets! - Mages
31. Skinny Love - Bon Iver
32. Chicaco (Acoustic Version) - Sufjan Stevens
33. After The Storm - Mumford & Sons
34. Sandy - Whirl
35. Light Leaves - Why?

This is mostly being posted in an effort to get my little brother to listen to music, but I think it's just a swell mix so go for it if you'd like. Also, friends, you might have noticed that Mumford & Sons appears three times above. That is because Mumford & Sons is the best band ever and I will not stop driving this point to you guys until you all love them as much as I do (just kidding, impossible.)

1/9/11-1/29/11 Ireland


Ireland. Trip was amazing.

Had to chill in Heathrow for like 6 hours for my layover, which sucked really bad because I hadn't gotten any sleep. I kept like nodding off on a bench and then waking up a minute later freaking out cause I thought I missed my flight. Finally though I flew over to Dublin.

Stayed in Dublin forrrrr 5 or 6 days. The city was cool, and city life seemed very similar there as it seems in New York, with slight differences. The first day I got there I slept... like the whole day, I literally think I slept 24 hours, which was amazing at the time, but reeeeeally shitty when I woke up. Took me the whole to get on a good sleeping schedule. Went sightseeing and pretty much just walked around til we got lost really. There is this a lot of amazing architecture there, like Christ Church and Dublin Castle and St. Patricks. Took a lot of really nice pictures that my sister has to upload. All in all I think the best part about Dublin was it's history, there are so many interesting historical places. Also we went into this museum and they had recovered these 3 corpses from like the 1600's that got preserved in local bogs, which somehow has some amazing preservative quality, because the corpses were so intact you could see details like facial hair. Really weird, first time I've ever actually seen a dead body I think...

So yeah, by day we explored, and by night we went to Pub's and whatnot. The Irish stereotype, unfortunately, is quite true, and people drink A LOT there haha, but I felt it was a lot more laid back than it is here. There's a college there called Trinity College, which was BEAUTIFUL, but so the night life was very college-like, especially in this area called Temple Bar, which is where everyone suggested we went. Explored a lot of Pubs, eventually chose to stay at this one called Gogarty's because there was live performances every night with traditional Irish music. This other pub I really liked just outside of Temple Bar, but it was really like... old-man bar haha, I soon found that hanging out with old Irish people was actually a great time as well though.

pub music from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

One night my sister fell asleep but I was restless so I wandered down to Gogarty's alone and along with music this guy and girl were doing sick Irish step dancing, and it was awesome everyone was loving it.

step from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

bar tap from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

Drank some Guinness (which is also true of the stereotype, everyone in Ireland drinks Guiness,) and some whiskey and met some obnoxious American people and then turned in, but I'm glad I went out by myself haha I was feeling very nervous for the first couple of days but I think that that really helped me get comfortable with being in a different country and meeting people and whatnot.

Also, in Dublin, I discovered that cider drinks are my favorite things in the entire world. Hope I can find some good American ones.

So that was pretty much Dublin, there isn't MUCH to say about it, overall I rarely got the feel of being anywhere out of the country, because most cities are like most other cities. It was charming though in some places, and people were very nice. Our hostel room was just us two the whole week and then the last night this guy Ross moved in, and he is the nicest guy in the ENTIRE WORLD and we met up with him a week or so later elsewhere in Ireland.

After Dublin we hopped on a bus and drove over to Sligo, which was a much smaller and more quaint little area. It was still urban-esque though, I really liked Sligo, and had amazing history as well. W.B Yeats lived there (my dad's favorite poet,) so he made us promise we would go to his grave site up by this church a ways outside of town. It was a little anticlimactic, but I did get a sweet collection of his poems and I like them. Everyone in Sligo swears by him haha it's funny, there's like statues and memorials and whatnot. In Sligo we couchsurfed with these 3 French exchange girls who were the nicest ever. Very hospitable, didn't speak much english, which was comical a lot of the time, but other times made things sort of difficult. We took them out for food and drinks and I enjoyed them a lot. Every French girl I met in Ireland all said the same thing; shirts and skirts in Ireland are a lot smaller haha, I thought that was really funny especially because they never failed to bring it up.

One night in Sligo, then we bussed to Tralee, and met up with this guy named Vinny who we were couchsurfing. Vinny was a fucking boss. He was like 6 foot 6 lanky redheaded guy, real nice and all, cooked us a great soup, took us through town, took us to get groceries, introduced us to his friends. Later on in the night he invited these two Swedish girls we had met earlier, (one of which Vinny described as a "proper lesbian," as opposed to the other girl who was just a lesbian. Not quite sure of the difference, but proper is a cool word,) and we all drank and had a good time, but I was too tired to go out with them. Also cool lingo Vinny used that I liked, the word "class," to say something is good, and the phrase "dead handy." But yeah pretty much Vinny was only to be described as a boss and he let us keep our luggage there to save us money and encouraged us to come back on the 22nd for a rockin' party. Good night's rest, threw on my hiking gear, and set off in the morning.

ireland hike from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

(These clips aren't in any particular order, I just threw them all together as to not post like 50 separate 30 second videos up.)

SO! The hiking trip was amazing. The route we took was called the Dingle Way, which is an 8 day hike if you follow the guides, but we wanted to do it in 7 so we could get back and go to Vinny's party. The first day was a bit underwhelming at first, and I really just couldn't wait to get out of inhabited areas and be somewhere just completely out of the way, and that came about quite soon. The first day we walked alongside this amazing mountain, the second tallest mountain in the Dingle peninsula (second to Brandon, the second tallest mountain in all of Ireland.) Saw SO MUCH SHEEP as expected but sadly realized soon we were probably never gonna get to chill with any because they ran away when you got too close. Along the mountain were a lot of strange like, old foundations and things we couldn't really figure out, but I'm assuming were significant in some sort of Irish history. there were also a lot of ruined buildings, ruined churches, etc. I haven't seen the pictures yet but I'm sooo pumped. We stopped hiking in this town called Camp, and Camp is really sort of where all the greatness started happening. We had contacted a bed and breakfast, but of course we had no idea where it was, so we went in a gas station and asked an employee, who was talking to a woman we had seen power walking earlier. They informed us that by foot the place was an hour away, and then without us even asking, started calling a bunch of people asking if there was any open places closer they knew of. The power walking lady got off and said that she found a place and her friend ran it and was gonna come pick us up, and then power walked out of the store haha. I never expected them to have been so helpful and like genuinely kind, but as the trip went on I kind of found out that that's just how people are in Ireland. Whenever you need anything or start talking to anybody, they will drop whatever else is going on in their lives and you become like, the center of their universe. So this guy came to pick us up, his name was John, and he turned out to be American, at least by birth. He lived in New York for a while too, and was a big Bears fan so he told me we should watch the game later and go out and get a beer. He was SO COOL and nice haha, and the place he ran was amazing. Also, in Ireland, I guess it's sort of a mannerism to repeat peoples names a lot when their talking to them? And with the Irish accent my name sounds like "JAHR-din," which is fucking sweet. Me and John quickly became BOYS, and me and my sister went to get food at the pub across the street and went to the next pub over to meet up with him and have drinks and watch his dad play music, but we couldn't find him. We went back to the house to see if he was there but we still couldn't find him, and then we fell asleep, and I was pissed, because John was my boy, and I wanted to hang out with him.

The next day he cooked us a traditional Irish breakfast (eggs, bacon, sausage, eggs, cereal, toast, blood pudding (DISGUSTING AND IT'S ACTUALLY MADE OF BLOOD AHHHH,) yogurt and tea.) Then he offered to drive us back to the path we were hiking, and gave us both his number in case we were in the camp area and needed to get picked up, or if wanted to come with him to Kilarney one time to hang out. Seriously, SUCH a nice guy, and that reminds me that the guy Ross (in our Dublin hostel,) gave us his number as well, and was like "I live in central Ireland, and it's 2 hours from anywhere pretty much, so if you ever need anything gimme a call and I'll come get you. SO FUCKING NICE!

Next day was the hike to Anascaul, and this was my second favorite day. Hiked through peat bogs and a conifer forest and the landscape was amazing. We were sort of in a valley between two mountains and for some reason natural Irish grass on its plains is like really well-kept-looking, it was picturesque. Played the Irish tin whistle a bunch haha. Anascaul was my least favorite town, it wasn't nearly as welcoming as the others, but the hostel was alright and I even got to check my e-mail and stuff, and we got some pretty good food at a pub. Pretty drained though, and we didn't go out and do anything, anyway there wasn't much to do there.

Day 3 was the hike to Dingle, which was first disappointing, because for the first 5 miles or so we were on farm roads near houses and I was really just all about the trail hiking, but I grew to appreciate it because being by farms meant seeing a lot of sheep, and a lot of horses, and a lot of cows and one weird thing we couldn't really classify, it was like a donkey mule horse cow, and when we pet it it tried to eat us. I think this was also the day I realized that I have no idea what to do if a dog charges at me, because it happened, and if the dog had any intent to kill me it would have certainly accomplished that. SCARY SHIT, but the owner finally came and got the dogs (there were 6 of them,) and we quickly left that area haha. Finally Dingle town was in sight, and on the long walk down the mountain towards it, THE BEST PART OF THE TRIP EVER HAPPENED. This fucking sick sheep like baa'd at us and came up close to the fence and like, HOPPED UP ON IT, but it wasn't really a fence it was a stone wall and I couldn't reach it, so I went a little further down and hopped in and I pet the SHIT OUT OF THAT SHEEP, for like 5 minutes, and hugged it and it was pretty much everything I could've ever dreamed of. Fuck yeah, sheep.

Dingle town was THE BEST, it wasn't big but it had everything you could need, and it was the kind of place where everyone who lived there was there their whole lives, so everyone knew each other and everyone had their own little niche and it was awesome. We couch surfed with this guy named Greggoire (also in the part of Ireland we were in, Gaelic was the first language, but luckily everyone spoke english as well.) Greg was the man, he was like 50 I think? He was such a nice welcoming man, he had like 9 kids with a couple different wives and his relationship history was INCREDIBLY complex but he was on great ties with everyone and all his kids and even some of the kids that his wives had had without him, they still all stayed with Greg for a bit out of the week. We met a couple of his kids and they were so nice and called him dad (one wasn't actually his kid I don't think.) Greg also had an amazing past of traveling, and showed us all the places and pictures he's been and the pilgrimages he's done and whatnot. Cooked us a good meal, gave us all the tea we could ever want, and let us crash on his couch.

Woke up, got a decent breakfast, and headed out to Dunquin, the most western point of the peninsula. This was sort of where things got really hairy and semi ruined haha. It was by far the most beautiful day of hiking. We hiked Mount Eagle, which was beautiful, and all day was just amazing landscape and wildlife. At the top of the mountain we came upon 3 horses, who I really don't think could have had owners... we were very far from any property. Anyway they were three beautiful horses and we walked with them for a while and it was amazing. I loved this day so much. Describing the landscape is impossible, and even capturing it on video and picture is impossible. There were a lot of great cliffs and views of the bay/ocean, it was all like too beautiful. We were rounding the mountain and about to come near Dunquin and it started getting dark out. The original plan was we were gonna hike around Dingle for another day, explore a bit, and stay at Greg's house an extra night, but in an effort to finish the hike in just 3 more days to get to Vinny's party, we set out and traveled a bit longer than usual. So with the original plan we were gonna call this lady who owned a B and B in a town called Ballyferiter, near Dunquin, and she would pick us up and take us to her place to stay. BUT she didn't answer in the morning, and the route we took detoured around the only other town before Dunquin... so we figured we would just make it to Dunquin and call her and hope it wasn't too late, and if it was we would just find a place there to stay. That, however, was a terribly misguided plan, as we soon found out that not only were there no more than 3 stores in Dunquin, all of them were closed for the winter. So it was dark now and we were planning for a night of camping, which we were wanting to do anyway, but then also realized all we had was 3 special K bars, and since there was nowhere open we couldn't stock up. So it was a pretty scary situation, and of course my Bear Grylls mode kicked in (a mode I definitely do have (not really),) and made the executive decision for us to walk until we found civilization or until we had to sleep, then we would wake up, eat our special k bars, and do the same thing the next day. Bear Grylls would be proud, and also I was pumped to try and start a fire WITH TWO STICKS.

But, we came upon a pub, and it was open, and we went in and asked if we could get food or a bed, and both of which she couldn't do for us.

So now we had 3 Special K bars, a chocolate bar, and some drinks. As we were discussing our situation I guess the guy next to us caught on, and he started talking to us about his adventures and his life and whatnot. He was a pretty interesting guy, he was about 65, and was American as well. He was traveling with his 2 friends, and they were traveling folk musicians (I later found out that, as it turns out, he's a pretty big deal in the traditional American folk scene.) Jack, Pat and Rosie were their names, and after talking a bit and having a couple drinks he told us to come with them, and that he would cook us a nice hot meal and take us to an open place to stay. So obviously we said yes, and we got in his car, and he was like we gotta make a quick stop first. Then he took us to this beach... it was in between two cliffs, like some secret cove or something, and it was a full moon and it was incredible. They hung out and they were honestly so cool, they were running around and acting as if they were our age or even younger and it was amazing. Apparently the night before was Pat's birthday, and they came to this beach and lit a fire and drank a bottle of whiskey, and he said it was the best night of his life. It was all like really amazing, and I got like really worked up ,and I don't really know why haha, they just seemed like the happiest people I've ever met and just genuine and kind. I guess I was just overwhelmed by it all and it made me happier then I think I've ever been ever.

We got to his house and they put a fire up and he cooked us delicious lamb stew, and we sat and talked and drank tea and they all told us stories and we talked about music and the old folk scene they helped to create and they were all three of them so interesting. They took us out to a town called Ballyferiter, where they bought us a couple pints and we kept on hanging out and having laughs and chats. Eventually he figured it was just better off we stayed at his place, so we went back and he made us up two beds and we stayed. In the morning he made us hot pouridge and drove us off to our path. Easily one of the best night of my life.

That day we were headed out towards Cloghane, the second to last place before we trekked back to Tralee, and it was gonna be a long walk. We decided since we were really tired to stay in Ballycurane, which was only like a 5 mile walk. At the beginning of our walk, we came across this really friendly dog, and we pet it and whatever, but then it like ran ahead, and kept like sitting in one spot til we got to it, then would run off ahead some more, and as it turns out, he was running on the exact path we needed to take. So this dog sort of led our way for likeeee almost an hour honestly. The entire beach hike and through some marshey areas, even over some bridges that definitely weren't designed for dogs haha. Really amazing. It was a short day with some nice cliffs and some billy goats, and we ended up at a REALLY expensive B and B, but it was worth it because we got the best food in all of Ireland. Relaxed all night.

The next day we were supposed to hike Mount Brandon... unfortunately my sister had some really really REALLY serious blister action on her feet... she couldn't walk really. We had ran out of money just about so we couldn't afford the B and B again, so we were just gonna suck it up and walk the road to dingle at a really really slow pace. Setting out, the people offered us a ride to Dingle, so we took it. Our journey had ended early, but I didn't mind because the 5 days was more than enough for me, and it was amazing nonetheless.

So we stayed at this woman named Paula's place who everyone told us we should go see, and she was real nice as well. Had a really well deserved relaxing night in, picked up a few books in the town, and slept early. The next day we took a bus to Tralee for VINNY'S BUMPIN PARTY!

...which we totally skipped out on. The bus was offering a really good deal to Galway and we really wanted to go there instead of Dublin again, and we got some money from my mom, so we went to Tralee, got out bags from Vinny's house, broke the bad news to him (he's such a boss it didn't even matter to him,) and got on a connecting bus to Galway.

We stayed in Galway for the remaining week of the trip. It was a much cozier city than Dublin, but still just a city. The night scene there was WILD though, like crazier than anything I've ever seen, people just walking around drinking liquor straight up, so much mischief and it was really amusing to see, I never really drank heavily in Galway because I was making sure I had enough money to eat haha. We went out a couple times though and had a few, saw some traditional music again. Explored the Galway University campus (lovely,) and sort of lazed around the week, meeting people here and there, and some really nice people at our hostel. The first hostel we were at we got roomed with these two kids from down south named Josh and Lindsay, and at first they kind of seemed douchey... but we actually talked to them in the morning and she was pretty much the single coolest person I've ever met in my entire life. Josh was really nice too, but the stories Lindsay told about her life were the most captivating and interesting stories I've ever heard and I've really like never been more interested in hearing someone talk ever haha. She's only 20, and she was talking about how she left home one year and traveled with some random band she met in Birmingham, and they invited her to play a couple shows with them (she played Banjo and guitar and I think the Cello,) and then they invited her to train hop out west. It was honestly an amazing story, about how she tried to get west to the coast and eventually succeeded by finding a car and traveling with this escaped jail mate, who she traveled the country with, somehow finding ways to get food and gas. At the end of the trip he gave her a tattoo, which she drew and was, as far as I could see, really really really beautiful. Besides all that though, she was also really really smart and creative, and had won some award for doing this audio-visual project using some algorithm based on the structure of a bacterium? It was really complex sounding, and I admittedly got a little lost, but the reason she was in Ireland in the first place was because since she won that award, she got asked to submit more stuff to be presented at this festival in Chicago over the summer. She went on and on and on but eventually had to catch a bus. When we asked her how long she was staying in Ireland she said she didn't know, and might try to find a job and live as long as she could there. I wish I was courageous enough to do stuff like that, and I also wish I could hang out with her again at any point, but chances of either of those things happening are slim. So it goes.

One night in Galway our boi Ross came through and took us to Salt Hill and showed us around and we went out for drinks and he bought me a whole fuckin pizza from Dominos. Ross is the man and we chatted on facebook while I was writing this and I hope to be as cool as him when I'm 30.

Another night, when we had switched hostels, we were about to go out when we looked into the kitchen/lounge area, where a bunch of people were sitting drinking tallboys and vodka. They invited us in and gave us a bunch of free alcohol and I stayed and hung out with them all night, my sister went out. There were a few old Irish men, a young couple from Canada, and these three French girls who were 19 or 20. We played some games and some cards and got a couple rounds of poker in, then eventually I was just playing cards with the French girls while the old men were being old and weird. At one point one of the old guys was leaving (he was the drunkest I've ever witnessed anyone,) and he was shaking everyone's hand goodnight, and he got to this kid name Abus (sp?) Abus came in late and was Pakistani and was traveling alone and he was a really nice guy, a little odd, but really nice, and for some reason the old Irish man was shaking his hand, and then wouldn't let go, and then threatened to cut Abus' head off if he was there in the morning. It was really scary and me and the Canadian dude had to like hold him down while the hostel employees got him out of there. That was pretty much the only bad thing that happened the whole time I was in Ireland. ANYWAY: kept playing cards, the french girls knew how to play asshole which was awesome, and they taught me some games and it was a blast. Salwen, if all the girls in France were like these girls, you are indeed a lucky man. Hung out with them til I went to sleep pretty much. Oh just kidding about that being the only bad thing that happened, because when I went up to the hostel room two people that had just moved in there were totally fucking, and they totally didn't stop for more than the 30 seconds it took me to change my shirt and climb in bed. Sick guys, sick.

Last day we went to the Cliffs of Moher, which I can't describe, and if anyone goes to Ireland, I urge you to go here, but I also urge you to hop the barrier and walk a ways to the left, cause the barrier they put up leaves you like a good 10 feet from the edge, and you can't really experience it for all that it is unless you're right up next to it. It was amazing.

So that was Ireland. Great vacation, great people, great memories. Now I'm home and this semester off is looking to be fantastic already. If you read all that text, I commend you!