Friday, January 7, 2011


Practice room session last night, had a BLAST as usual.

looks mafioso from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

FUCK YOU KIM from Jordan Reboliini on Vimeo.

Kim's a fucking bitch and I hate her for tricking me so good. People filtered out after that 2 hour game and then the music started bumpin and people started dancing and it was grand.

Omaaaaaaa! from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

^^Omar this video is priceless haha.

Tyler flop from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

beanbag shenanigans from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

Those fucking beanbags hurt, and Tyler how did your neck not get seriously injured hahaha your head snaps up on that impact. Then we all did the twist and played ninja.

pracroom twist party from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.

After we were all danced out we sat and chilled as more people left, then me and Konrad and Greg went back to Greg's house to watch our videos from like 9th grade, so much Deafening Chromatic footage hahaha it was amazing.


There's a lot of videos that are like decent but I didn't post them so I think on days where I do nothing (more than likely today is one of those days,) I'm just gonna post a couple random vids from random days that I think deserve to be seen. DECE?

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