YOOOOOOOO so I sort of died out on the whole video taking thing. I'd like to say that I'm gonna get back into it, but I don't want it to become an obligation. If I do get sick viddies I'll still post em.
Uhhhh so needless to say, I haven't been using this at all. But I've been keeping busy and I think what I'm gonna start doing here is just taking videos of some of my jams and posting them here so I can sort of have them forever. What's been happening recently, which sucks, is that I've been jamming and getting really into it and not taking time to write anything down for the process, so essentially I lose it unless I can remember everything at the end and scramble to write it all down. BUT, if I just take a sweet little viddy, I can have it forever. Problem solved.
I don't have any videos yet... but me and Greg and Kenny have been jamming as a little mini band and we played our first show tonight so there will be videos of that. I might not post them though, because I fucked up pretty hard. As it turns out, I'm pretty susceptible to stage fright. Who knew?
I have some decent mixes I've been working on too. I'm gonna post it as soon as it finishes uploading. It's a good mix of oldies and some newish songs. I start making it when I first heard "Helplessness Blues" and, thus, it is titled appropriately "Helplessness Blues." A lot of these songs just have some pretty overwhelming feeling in them, or it least it makes me feel really a big rush of emotion. I dig it. I'll post it once I figure out how to get the fucking songs in the right order.
Yeah, I couldn't figure out how to order it. Fuck it. All the songs are good so just listen to them.
Also it's worth saying that this year is going just swell thusfar. My house is perfect. I've had a real good social balance too and I've been getting all my work done. So that's good.
Maybe I'll post some of my writing here too, but that shit's all depressing as fuck, so who knows.
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