Pretty uneventful week, only thing that really happened was Kenny coming over one night, but the weekend was chock full of greatness. Friday all the Bing kids came home and it was so nice to see everyone. Met up with Omar in town, picked up a few decent cigars, drove around, and finally went to Kenny's while rapping the whole way. Got to Kenny's and thought it would be a great idea to continue our promising rap career...
3boysrap from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.
One of my favorite lines personally, from my man Omar himself, "I just want a dime, I'm talking about girls, not a real dime, what can you buy with a dime?" Unfortunately the video has some offensive things that I don't quite see fit to be posted on my blog. Maybe one day when we get famous it'll see the light of day. Did that for a while, drew on his wall a bit, and then went outside and smoked our cigars in preparation of a night of fun.
Got to Ty's, met all his Boston friends, hung around and had a beer or two and it was just good ol' fun. Listened to music. I got reeeeeally tired though because since Ireland I've been a lame old man and have been going to sleep at like 11, but now I think I'm back on a normal schedule, not too late and not too early. Went home and was locked out... for like a REALLY long time. Us Rebolini's never lock anything, it sucks that we started to. No one is going to steal our shit. BUT whatever.
Next day woke up and chilled a bit, picked up Salwen in town and went to Ty's again. Played this weird ass/actually fun game called Settler's of Catan. Me and Salwen kicked ass and won, as proved by this video evidence...
the real winners... from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.
So it can't be disputed that we won, obviously, duh. Then I had to go home for dinner (pizza, fantastic,) and went right back to Ty's. A lot more people had showed up and I met some new people and we played some Smash. Then we decided to play what everyone likes to call "the spank machine." I had heard of it, I had seen it, but I had never played it. Pretty much the spank machine is, you get dealt a card and if you get dealt an ace, you pick a donkey kong to represent you in a free-for-all smash bros match. If your designated donkey kong is the first to be eliminated, you are publicly and painfully humiliated by crawling under everyone in the vicinity's legs, receiving a variety of light to heavy spanks, until every person has had their fun. Of course, the first time I participate, and the only time we play, I fucking lose, and my ass was grass. Great fun guys, thanks a lot.
fucking donkey kong from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.
spank machine from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.
Fuck you Steve, that shit really hurt. Anyway after that I went and picked up some more beer, then picked up Pogo who I haven't seen in years and it was fantastic to hang out with him. Me and Kenny ran train on the pong table, fucking 13 and 0 AS USUAL, shut out Tyler's older brothers team, and was pretty much on top of the world. Quit while we were ahead, proceeded to get hammered, played a lot of thumper. Thumper got really intense and this video is fucking fantastic, sorry your vase broke Tyler, and I hope you don't get in trouble... but really this video is hilarious.
thumped too hard from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.
So needless to say, that ended our thumper-ing. Played some mellower games, kings, other card games, went on another beer run, chilled more, and it was a fantastic night. I got a little bit too drunk and had a really odd rant with J3nny about some psychological girl things, and I probably embarrassed myself, but OH WELL! It was just an all around fantastic night, and I slept alright but I woke up to get a drink and there was mad snoring so I bounced at like 7 AM.
Then I explored my flip video and found these gems:
brandons friend dancing from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.
what is this from Jordan Rebolini on Vimeo.
Don't know when the fuck Tyler's brothers friends found the time to film these, but I'm glad they did, because it's pretty hilarious. Kudos fellas.
Other notable things: moving up to Binghamton to live with Andrew Koke on friday, we'll see how that goes.
Hung out with Jackie a bunch this week, it was pretty nice, I like that I've kept on good terms with her all these years.
Upped my gauges to 00, probably gonna bring them all the way to 3/4" by summer time, because fuck it, you only live once. I'll fucking sew them up myself if I really need to for a goddamn job.
Ummmm that's it. Hoping for stuff to do this week, but hoping moreso for a great weekend and great success in finding work upstate so I can stay til summer/maybe for a summer class.